Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Police Officer Crossdresses As An Amish Woman To Catch Child Predator

Police officer Chad Adams dressed as an Amish woman for nearly two months earlier this year, in an attempt to catch a man who Amish families in Western Pennsylvania said was exposing himself to their children.
"I was the butt of jokes from all around, but everyone thought it was a good operation," Adams, a sergeant with the Pulaski Township Police Department, told The Huffington Post.
Adams said in the weeks between the end of December and middle of January, his department investigated several reports of a man exposing himself to Amish children as they walked home from their school. The incidents were reported by Amish people living in New Wilmington, a small town located about 60 miles north of Pittsburgh.
When several days went by without a sighting of the suspect, the police began to wonder what happened to him. It was not long thereafter that they learned authorities in a neighboring county had apprehended someone for allegedly committing similar crimes.

So this is the most emasculating thing of all time, right? Not only did this police officer have to dress up like an Amish woman for weeks, but he didn't even end up catching the diddler? I love how this guy straight up admits that he "was the butt of many jokes, but everyone thought it was a good operation". Aka everyone wanted to pull a prank on someone so they told him that this was totally worth dressing up like an Amish woman to catch a disgusting pedophile even though they were never going to catch him. In the article it says that the only reason this story got out is because the Police Department Facebook page decided to share the picture and tell the story. Sucks to be you bro, can't even cross dress to unsuccessfully try and capture a child predator without being made fun of by the whole country.

The real question is why couldn't he have just hid in a bale of hay in the back of a horse drawn carriage, and waited for this guy to drop trou then pop out and arrest him. The dedication is evident but I think this police officer should be far more embarrassed than he's admitting.

PS- If Adam Sandler ever decides to do a cop movie, than this plot line is right up his alley.

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