Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm Back

I know what everybody is saying, "why haven't there been any new blogs for almost a week" "This website is what I live for" because I haven't posted anything new. But while everyone reading this was having internet and shit, I was stuck basically in the early 1990's with no internet and playing N64 all weekend. But I'm back in full swing now.

So on Friday, I called out this goddamn snowstorm and said shit like "we won't get more than seven inches", and "everyone is over-reacting", blah blah blah. So naturally this storm was like oh shit I'm just going to take out the whole fucking northeast and leave everyone without power. Luckily, I had power the whole time, but I didn't have cable or internet so it kind of fucking sucked. But I broke out the N64 and shredded some Mario Party 1 and Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball and realized that if you don't think Ken Griffey baseball is the best baseball video game of all time then I loathe your existence. Pitchers throwing 116 miles per hour and graphics looked like something that my non-existent autistic cousin could make. But I hit 11 dingers with Nomar in like 7 games so it was fine. By the way Mario Party came out in 1998, when I was fucking six, and it's still a classic, and of course, character selection was key. Anyways, the N64 saved the day.

One last note about this storm, was I literally didn't leave my house for 4 days. Friday-Monday. Cabin Fever like you read about. At one point, I was pretty sure I saw Jesus in my mirror, but then it was just me because I only  I took one shower the whole time and didn't shave. "Dude, thats fucking gross" Well it's not like I had anyone to impress, and I was just taking one for the team while everyone was without power. I was simply just thinking about all the smelly and cold households that were out there and I said fuck it, I'll walk a mile in their shoes, that is, until I started to smell my own filth and then I was like okay, maybe one shower won't kill me. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is that I look exactly like Jesus if I don't shower or shave for about a week. Who knew Jesus was such a funny blogger.

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