Friday, March 1, 2013

Lady Gets 7 Pounds Of Weed In The Mail, Promptly Bitches About It

PLYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts woman has sued FedEx, claiming the company mistakenly sent her a package containing seven pounds of marijuana, then gave her address to the intended recipients, who later showed up at her door. Maryangela Tobin of Plymouth said in the suit filed Feb. 12 that by disclosing her address, the company violated state privacy laws and put herself and her children in danger. "I feel like the safety of my daughters and myself was invaded and it makes things complicated," she told WBZ-TV. "I walk into my house first every time, my kids don't." Tobin said she thought the package was a birthday present for her daughter, because when she opened it, she found candles, pixie sticks and peppermint. There was also something she thought was potpourri, but it was marijuana. Tobin said that about an hour later, a man knocked on her door looking for the package, while two men sat in a vehicle in her driveway, waiting. She said she didn't have it, and bolted and slammed the door. Tobin claims FedEx gave out her address, which led the men to her home. Police made an arrest, but Tobin said now she's worried about retribution. Memphis, Tenn.-based FedEx said it doesn't comment on pending lawsuits.

I hate this lady so bad. If FedEx sends my some wacky tabaccy in the mail and expects me to dole it out than I'm obviously going to do it. I mean obviously I'm gonna take a little bit but then I'll gladly give it to the right person. Maryangela (cool name) said that she felt like the safety of her daughters was in jeopardy? Of what, a couple stoners? What are they going to do, break into your house, steal all of your Doritos, drink all of your Arnold Palmer, and then watch Planet Earth on your 60 inch plasma? Because thats all people who smoke weed do. Plus, the UPS people were kind enough to fill your package up with candles, pixie sticks, and peppermints too. Uhhh, that sounds like enough for you to just give away some weed. By the way, she said at first she thought it was potpourri and was a gift for her daughters birthday. Who the FUCK is sending your daughter potpourri for her birthday? Whatever lady, just give the weed away and stop bitching.

PS- I can never unsee the arrow in between the E and the X in Fedex. Whoa Dude.

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