Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Scientists Say That Girls With Bigger Asses Are Smarter Than Everyone Else

PNS reporting from ENGLAND) Scientists at the University of Oxford have uncovered evidence that women with big butts are not only the most intelligent, but also the most resistant to chronic illnesses.
The study examined the fat accumulated in different parts of a woman’s body, and found that women with a phat ass were less likely to get diabetes, since they are more likely to produce hormones to metabolize sugar.
What’s more, women with big booties tended to have lower levels of cholesterol and less heart problems, according to the study.

So I guess big butts actually don't lie? My parents always told me to work hard and get a good job after college, but what they never told me is that if I work hard enough, I can be a scientist who measures girls butt's and compares them to their IQ. If I had known that this was a possibility I would have tried a little harder in school. I would love to think that this is true, but it cant be. Think of the two asses that come to mind first. Kim Kardashian and Vida Guerra for me. Now, I don't know for sure, but nothing about them screams, I have a higher IQ than you.

PS- If you don't think I am going to walk around in a lab coat asking to measure girls butts to find out if there is a correlation between the size of an ass and the size of their brain then you really don't understand me as a human being.

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