"Simmer down everyone, at least there weren't any children involved"
Pope Francis today suspended the free spending German Bishop Franz Peter Tebartz-van Elst -- known derisively as Bishop Deluxe or the Bishop of Bling -- and ordered him to vacate the Diocese of Limburg, at least temporarily.
The pope, who has declined to live in the Vatican's opulent papal
residence, has been urging prelates to adopt a more humble lifestyle and
today's actions were the strongest yet to reenforce that message.
First of all, if I'm going to be a Bishop, I definitely want the nickname Bishop of Bling. I mean the only thing better than that would be Bishop of Bitches, put I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't let that one fly. Anyways, the story is that this Bishop spent 55 million on renovating his house. Uhhh, yeah I mean he devoted his life to God, it wouldn't kill the big guy upstairs to throw him a bone and an extra 50 million ya know? Now Pope Francis has to get involved and he suspends the guy, which I don't even get. Its not like this guy got caught using steroids and gets bagged for 50 games.* This guy will probably just take a couple weeks off and head down to St. Croix and get loopy on Jesus juice and crack stick until he goes back to his palace. Bishop of Bling:1 Pope:0
*This is a euphemism for diddling kids.