Thursday, October 24, 2013

Picture Of The Day

This guy is taking the blood sweat and beards mantra a little too seriously. The saddest thing about this is that this guy is a Cavaliers fan, and he prepared this for a Cavs-Wizards preseason game. That's some depressing shit right there. Gotta love the wristbands this guy has on though. Hmmm, I'm going to a preseason NBA game, what do I need? Beard net? Check. Hat for a team in the wrong sport? Check. Wristbands? Check. Alright, I'm ready to go. 

PS- Gotta respect that belt buckle. This guy takes his facial hair game serious. 

Guy Just Punches Shark In The Face

"A surfer on the Hawaiian island of Kauai claims to have used boxing skills to fend off an attacking shark that bit into his board, narrowly missing his leg.
Jeff Horton was surfing earlier this week at Pila’a Beach near Kilauea. He told the Garden Island that he saw the shark, presumably a tiger shark, swimming toward him as he sat on his board.
“It came flying straight toward me,” he said.
Upon impact, Horton rolled off of his board and onto the shark, which he briefly rode before unleashing a barrage of punches.
“I started punching as hard as I could,” he said, adding that he landed about eight blows and caused the shark to back off with a knuckle punch to the eye."

How about this fucking guy? I want to hate him for being such a bro, but I can't. If you hate this guy, than you are just jealous. He is living the life. All he does is surf, ride sharks, and punch sharks in the face. And how about how he said he landed 8 punches. Was he counting the punches as he was throwing them? I've lived near the ocean my entire life, but if I ever saw a shark swimming towards me it wouldn't be blood in the water that the shark would be smelling.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Send Out The Smoke Patrol On This High School Football Field

Imagine going to a High School like this? My High School football field looked like a barren wasteland where high school student's college football dreams went to die. The baseball field had more dead grass than the ground after a Wiz Kalifa concert. How amped up would you be running onto this field every Friday night, getting a big win over your high school rival, and then going to some kids house who's parents weren't home that weekend to get drunk off 4 bud lights, getting jerked off by some girl in the bathroom and then being home by curfew. Those were the days.

Guy Kicks 40 Yard Field Goal To Win New Chevy Camaro

Yahoo- Officials from the local Chevrolet dealership jumped for joy and tackled the 20-something in celebration before Igwe leapt up from the turf and sprinted to the arms of the Simi Valley football team, which was heading back out to the field, with only one shoe of course.
It all capped a remarkable promo event that marked a great California rivalry, and allowed Igwe to eschew the prescribed prize of a Chevy Camaro for a $20,000 cash prize, which he told USA Today he'll use to help pay off personal debt.

Holy fucking shit. That was amazing. A black kicker? I never thought I would see the day. Oh, you're talking about the 40 yard field goal and how that was soooo impressive? Not so fast my friend. I'm pretty sure that if you gave me a weeks notice I could drill a 40 yard field goal without my shoe flying off. And whats up with that anyways? Like bro, you're trying to win a new car by kicking a field goal. First step: tie your shoes. Second step: kick the ball. 

More importantly here, my favorite part of this story is how he just won a brand new 2014 Chevy Camaro and he just decides nahhh I'm not going to take it, give him the 20 grand so he can pay off his unpaid child support personal debts. 

Lady Gets Caught Imatating Sex At A Cricket Match

 This is easily the most cricket I've ever watched in my life, and so far I like it. Don't get me wrong, I have no idea what the rules are, but if player's wives sit in the outfield (?) and pretend to jerk off mammoth dicks and make grunting faces than I'm all in. But seriously, I don't understand cricket at all. Why is the pitcher running before the pitch? Why is the field shaped like that? Why is the umpire wearing a cowboy hat? Is that guy who they are interviewing playing? He should probably concentrate on fielding those lacrosse balls. Imagine if Tom Brady was getting interviewed by Dan Dierdorf as he was throwing a touchdown pass? Just kidding, Brady doesn't throw touchdown passes anymore.

Introducing the Bishop of Bling

"Simmer down everyone, at least there weren't any children involved"

Pope Francis today suspended the free spending German Bishop Franz Peter Tebartz-van Elst -- known derisively as Bishop Deluxe or the Bishop of Bling -- and ordered him to vacate the Diocese of Limburg, at least temporarily.
The pope, who has declined to live in the Vatican's opulent papal residence, has been urging prelates to adopt a more humble lifestyle and today's actions were the strongest yet to reenforce that message. 

First of all, if I'm going to be a Bishop, I definitely want the nickname Bishop of Bling. I mean the only thing better than that would be Bishop of Bitches, put I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't let that one fly. Anyways, the story is that this Bishop spent 55 million on renovating his house. Uhhh, yeah I mean he devoted his life to God, it wouldn't kill the big guy upstairs to throw him a bone and an extra 50 million ya know? Now Pope Francis has to get involved and he suspends the guy, which I don't even get. Its not like this guy got caught using steroids and gets bagged for 50 games.* This guy will probably just take a couple weeks off and head down to St. Croix and get loopy on Jesus juice and crack stick until he goes back to his palace. Bishop of Bling:1 Pope:0

*This is a euphemism for diddling kids.

Study Says Massholes Are Most Temperamental People. Fuck That.

Yahoo- There are now, thanks to a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology by a team of researchers in the UK. Their goal? To literally map the “American mood” by rating personality and temperament on a state-by-state basis. The 13-year study included nearly 1.6 million respondents from the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia.

FUCK YOU. Massholes are not temperamental and uninhibited! I'd love to see where all of these fuckers that conducted this "research" are from. Probably all from California where the living is easy and everybody just smokes weed and cares about celebrities. Fuck this list and fuck everyone who was involved in making it, and fuck their families.

PS- Ohhhhh, now I see what they are talking about.

Insane Helmet Cam

Yeahhh, how about no. This was the goddamn Rainbow Road of bike paths. Sometimes I think I can ride a bike really well because I can ride with no hands on the handlebars and than I remember that my non existent autistic cousin can do that. And I love how there are a million people celebrating the back flip over the gap. Like yeah that was cool and all but did you not see the minute before that where he was biking down a toothpick of a path? Anyways, give me 1 month and a GoPro and I could film something exactly like this.