Face it - we all can't be singers, movie stars, or models. Most of us do have to get up and punch a clock somewhere. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to don plaid, grow a beard, and become a lumberjack. There's a full spectrum of jobs out there, and many can be quite rewarding in terms of salary, growth, and opportunity. That is, if you know your own strengths and weaknesses, and are willing to put in the effort it takes to snag them.
Yahoo's Worst Job List
5. Logging work- This is cheating at a worst jobs list if you can include logging. Like I actually didn't know that people still logged. I just thought that was a made up job made up by people who love the environment who want to save the Earth. Still not convinced it's real.
4. Receptionist- Well than what are hot girls who went to a state college but instead of going to class got drunk and fucked frat boys and learned how to take a starburst wrapper off in their mouth going to do for work?!?!?!
3. Postal Service Clerk- I don't really know what this means exactly but I'm pretty sure it means mailman. Fuck that. I want to be a mailman so bad I can taste it. Get to drive a weirdly shaped care with a steering wheel on the wrong side and then steal little Timmy's 25 dollar birthday check that he's getting from Grandma Bethany.
2. Door to door Salesperson- This one all depends on what you are selling. If its like baseballs or old DVD's than count me out. But if you don't think I can sell the fuck out of a nice knife set than you obviously don't know me as a person. I'll convince you that you need a new briefcase just because its a motherfucking Wednesday.
1. Telemarketer- Uhh, have you seen Workaholics? Those crazy kids are telemarketers and they live the sweetest life ever. Just crushing beers on their roof, hanging out with retarded guys, and hanging out with Beiberhole69. Sign me the fuck up.
My worst 5 jobs list:
5. Waiter
3. Waiter
2. Waiter
1. Christina Aguilera's dietician